Driver Behaviour

Behaviour Dashboards

Oversee your workforce and vehicles behaviour in a simple yet intuitive dasboard


Using a dedicated app, each driver can see their rating in real-time.

Event Map

A detailed event map with dedicated filters for each event which can be done per driver or vehicle within a timeframe.


Receive automated alerts for any fridge, freezer, walkin chamber or warehouse by setting up temperature parameters with different thresholds.

Driver Report

Generate Individual conduct like reports for each driver.

Road Safety

Improve safety on the road by conducting KPI like excercises and avoiding accidents.


Receive automated alerts whenever a vehicle overspeeds in a specific time frame.

Monitor on the Go

Monitor every single asset on Go from a dedicated mobile application. Receive Temperature alerts directly in app.

Granular Detail

Our Driver Behaviour solution will aid in establishing a conducive driving environment. It will eventually lead to a decrease in the related business expenses.

It will also save time & money on maintenance, fuel, legal, insurance and repair costs due to a decrease in traffic accidents.

Rich in Detail

Features of the Module
  • Driver & Vehicle Monitoring
  • Date filtering
  • Event Map
  • Driver Reports Export
  • Alerts
  • Configurable Parameters
  • Dedicated Mobile App

Competitive advantage

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Beyond GPS Tracking


Why choose TrackMT

Easy Monitoring

Monitor Driver Behaviour with ease using dashboards, and reports


Generate Driver Reports in a transparent manner

Single Platform

The Driver Behaviour platform is part of the same platform making it easier to analyse data